DragonSpears Tech Insights

Empower Your Software Development Teams with Cloud-Native Architecture

Written by Patrick Emmons | Aug 4, 2021 1:00:00 PM

The modern, modularized approach of Cloud-native software development is replacing old, monolithic ways of programming. This toolset and philosophy enables development teams to create efficient, reliable, and scalable software applications. This methodology allows teams to push features out faster, innovate efficiently, identify bottlenecks, and improve delivery processes - all while decreasing risk in an ever-changing environment. Here’s a look at the Cloud-native methodology and how it unlocks the full potential of your software development team.

Cloud-Native Methodology

There are five key tenets of cloud-native software development that improve software delivery efficiency and accelerate time-to-value. Each tenet is beneficial on its own. When combined, they create significant advancements for any company looking to outpace its competitors.

1. Twelve-Factor Application

Defining how cloud-native software is built is critical to its success. The twelve-factor app is a set of principles created by Adam Wiggins for building software-as-a-service applications to promote reliability, scalability, and maintainability in a high-demand environment. The principles include dependency isolation, separate build and run stages, port binding, and development/production parity. Adhering to all twelve principles makes the development-to-release process hassle-free for your development team.

2. DevOps

Automating and streamlining the processes used by software development and operations teams is a practice fundamental for embracing a cloud-native approach. A DevOps investment minimizes rote, repetitive tasks and allows developers to focus on doing what they do best – writing code and creating software customers love!

3. Microservices

The ideal architecture for continuous delivery is loosely coupled, individual collections of functionality. A microservices architecture separates application components, enabling developers to create, deploy, and operate them independently. Microservices can be updated or repaired without impacting the overall application, providing enormous benefits to developer productivity and deployment frequency.

4. Containers

Simplifying the deployment process significantly reduces the chance of failure during a deployment. Containers turn an application into a self-contained deployment module that includes all associated dependencies and runtimes. They are easily portable and can be deployed to any environment with the confidence they will run consistently. The ability to scale into as many instances as needed on-demand applies itself well to a cloud-native approach.

5. Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC)

Automation of managing and provisioning computer data centers using configuration files eliminates inconsistencies. An IaC infrastructure can be spun up on-demand to suit a variety of workloads. Once the workload has been executed, the infrastructure is essentially “destroyed” and put in storage until it needs to be reassembled again. This type of infrastructure aligns well with cloud-native as it makes the development process more efficient, minimizes risk, decreases manual work, and creates consistency.

Benefits of Cloud-Native

Cloud-native creates an environment that empowers your software development teams to be innovative and brave. It offers significant benefits, including:

  • Efficiency: Developers are encouraged to automate repetitive tasks like testing and pushing code changes to production, creating time for more valuable tasks the development team is uniquely suited to do.
  • Adaptability It’s vital to always expect the unexpected when designing software. Traditionally, mistakes would slow a team down for days or weeks, but your teams can adapt and modify their environment in just minutes with Cloud-native tools.
  • Scalability: As products grow and your business needs change, the Cloud can naturally scale to support them without rearchitecting or redesigning anything.
  • Reliability: The Cloud enables you to create multiple production environments with high availability at a next-to-zero cost, allowing you to easily switch over if needed.
  • Lean Management: Becoming cloud-native naturally removes waste from the software development process, allowing you to operate in more agile ways.
  • Innovation: Development teams can move faster and pivot easily. As the business produces new ideas, the development team can create a Minimum Viable Product and receive end-user feedback quickly with minimal investment.

The Cloud is revolutionizing how organizations bring innovation to market and is a key driver of transformation. Becoming Cloud-native will unlock the full potential of your software team’s performance and velocity. If you’re ready to get started with new ways of working, reach out to the Cloud experts at DragonSpears.